To find books, you can search WorldCat Discovery (the search box on the library home page).
If you need to find articles, you can start with one of the following methods:
- Use the library's WorldCat Discovery search box on the library home page & enter keywords related to your question. You can use the "Format" limit on the left to narrow down to articles. Tip: if you don't see the full-text, look for a "Request Item" button, and we'll try to get a digital copy of it from another library through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
- Use one of our many databases by starting on the
- If you're not sure where to start, try the FIRST one on the A-Z list, Academic Search Complete. It's great for almost any topic you might be looking for.
- Beyond that, you can limit to databases that are good for a specific discipline by using the "Subject" filter at the top of the page:
Finally - ALWAYS ask for help with your specific question - that's what we're here for! Email us at, use the chat box on the right-hand side of this FAQ page, or make a virtual appointment with a librarian at