Answered By: Victoria Peters
Last Updated: Aug 08, 2023     Views: 77

There are many reasons for using Open Access. The advantages of Open Access include:

  • Increased visibility: The opportunity to search for and in the available specialist literature is improved. If you practice Open Access, your research becomes traceable and accessible to others worldwide. Your impact in society is increased. Your work receives more publicity and this increases the likelihood of it being adopted by being freely available
  • Higher citation rates: Articles published in Open Access are cited more often and are taken up more often in the press and on social media.
  • Greater benefits of research: With Open Access publications, the benefits of your research and the investments that flow into it are maximized, because they increase the renown and use of published research. Without information barriers, knowledge exchange is accelerated. You and other researchers avoid duplication of work because research work can be reused more easily. Collaboration across national and discipline boundaries are promoted.
  • Good scientific practice and consensus with funding guidelines: If you publish in Open Access this means that you are implementing good scientific practice and following funding guidelines at the same time. Nowadays research funding institutions increasingly expect that the results of funded research projects are published in Open Access, because publicly financed research should be freely accessible.
  • Qualified feedback: If you publish in Open Access you can in principle publish your research results immediately and receive quicker feedback from the community. In this way you can improve the quality of your own research.

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