When you access any licensed or subscribed DePauw content, like databases, e-journals, etc., from the library website when off-campus you will be prompted to enter your fullDePauw email address (e.g. firstlast_2023@depauw.edu) and network password:
You may be asked to confirm if you trust the website you are submitting your information to depending on your web browser. Click continue.
You will be prompted to use Microsoft Authenticator to verify your login. Copy the code that pops up on the screen and paste it into your Microsoft Authenticator app. (If you need assistance with this step, visit the IT KnowledgeBase for detailed instructions or contact the HelpDesk.)
You may be asked to confirm if you trust the website you are submitting your information to depending on your web browser. Click continue.
You may also be asked if you'd like to stay signed in. Choose Yes if you'd like your browser to remember you and stay authenticated for a longer duration of time.
Depending on your service and/or Wifi connection you may get a loading screen as shown below
After a moment or so, the page should load to the provider's actual website and you should have full-text access based on the institution's holdings.
Having problems accessing a link from off-campus?
Is your link configured correctly?
Make sure this prefix is added to the front of your URL: https://go.openathens.net/redirector/depauw.edu?url=
When would you need to do this?
If you e-mail yourself a citation and want to access it when you are off-campus
If you want to create a link to a journal or database and you are on campus when you create the link - the link will have to be edited for it to work off-campus